"Coming Home to Westcliffe"

Blog Spot for My Mountain Nest & Other Musings...


Coming Home to Westcliffe

Small Town --- Big Heart

What a fourth! It was the most colorful, diverse, fun and community-minded July fourth holiday I have experienced. There was something for everyone; I am grateful to call this charming little town “home”. Erma Bombeck was right when she spoke of patriotism being the ability to be with your family …yours and others… celebrating our freedom and this grand community called America with a grateful heart.

The holiday started off with a parade bright with our flag, smiling faces, community folk sharing & showing off their talents, interests, hobbies and small businesses. My husband Bill, on his trusty steed Dakotah made me especially proud carrying the Colorado flag as a member of the Sheriff’s Posse. My next favorite were the llamas who are great companion trekkers.  My collie Rose was a crowd favorite and made many new friends with her sweet kisses. Susan, a recipient of said kisses, took a great photo of Rose watching the parade. Yummy ice cream from the White Bird Emporium completed our morning and spoiled our lunch!


Fireworks shown over Lake DeWeese in an amazing display thrilled many a camper.  We watched them comfortably from our back deck over a glass of wine with dogs camped out all around our feet. Thankfully, no one got spooked but seemed to enjoy the cool evening as much as we were.

The next evening, we enjoyed a play produced Westcliffe Center for the Performing Arts. The Importance of Being Ernest (Oscar Wilde), brightened the evening with much laughter coming from the outdoor amphitheater. The play production was excellent and reminded me of the amount of dedication, sacrifice and talent that it takes to put on a play, much less a summer venue. The play made me think about the value of being authentic and never pretending to be someone we are not. Rather, discover and celebrate who we are!


Again, the amazing people in this community were not only the stage stars, but shown bright in the audience as well with there hearty welcome and sharing.  A sweet lady named Anne overheard me say I was cold (reminder…bring layers) as the sun went down, and went to her car during intermission for a blanket for me. Another couple saw Bill’s jacket with the LongHopes Donkey Rescue emblem and introduced themselves as fellow donkey lovers. They have two mammoth donkeys we hope to meet soon. Sweet, more new friends.

Saturday brought the car show sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. It was it’s third year and it has grown to over 50 outstanding cars. People raved at the power of the Lamborghini and were touched by the memories of many of the restorations. What amazed me was the calm of it all as people mingled and walked among the treasures listening to wonderful local bands, stories and enjoying a morning coffee, or a pancake breakfast sponsored by the Rotary Club.


Sunday was a day to relax and take a long walk with my dogs while Bill took off on a conditioning ride with Dakotah to Comanche Lake. Both of us enjoyed our lovely vistas and again were grateful for this place and time in our lives. Westcliffe shines! We are home.


So, our calendar is booked with friends visiting for a taste of small town living and to see our progress on our house. This coming weekend is the High Mountain Hay Fever Bluegrass Festival, then it is rodeo days! What an exciting little town where there is something for everyone!

Posted 253 weeks ago