"Coming Home to Westcliffe"

Blog Spot for My Mountain Nest & Other Musings...


Coming Home to Westcliffe

Happy Birthday Sophie


Sophie, GCH CH Blessing Sweet Symmetry, occupies an impish and magical place in my heart. I reflect on her and my journey with this charming breed, Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers. Sophie is ten years old today. She was my darling in the first litter I ever bred. Her mother, Faith (CH Harmony Sweet Blessing) was amazing in her strength and kindness. She was the poster dog for a true ‘alpha’, benevolence with presence.  


Planning for, having, raising and placing that first litter is one of my most treasured experiences. I have many mentors to thank. I realize that there is an emotional debate around breeding litters. I will not engage fully in that here or elsewhere, only to say reputable breeders who purposefully breed do so to be good stewards of the breed. If in doubt, take a moment to read a club’s code of ethics to become acquainted with the high standards we are obliged to abide.

It is a labor of love and practiced integrity to plan and raise a litter of sound & well socialized puppies. Families do not simply ‘buy’ a puppy, but are screened, interviewed, references are shared, home & puppy visits made and, then if chosen, support the family for the life of the dog, including taking the puppy or dog back if some unforeseen circumstance should occur. It is the most prized of tasks of a someone who breeds a litter. I was so very blessed to find wonderful, well informed and good owners for my puppies. Today, ten years later, I am blessed to call them my friends.


Faith was bred to an amazing, talented and sweet dog, CH Reyer’s No Squattin on My Spurs. Maybe that is where the ‘impish’ nature of this litter came from in retrospect! Faith had a flawless pregnancy and whelped six lovely puppies. They were born on my mother’s birthday the same year she passed away, November 14, 2009. This litter, this life, these dear blessings make my heart swell with love still today.


Each puppy had their own personality and visitors and families were always welcome to socialize the puppies. I watched, learned and fell more deeply in love everyday. These observations helped me choose the family most suited for that individual puppy’s forever home.

Charlie was the first born. She came to us by breech delivery, which was a bit difficult for Faith. Charlie was sweet and loved to cuddle. She is the beloved of my dear friends, Jane and Jack.


Mick is a boy with charisma and the most handsome head/face I have ever set eyes on in a wheaten. He stole the heart of Ed and Sue, also my dear friends and dedicated wheaten family.


Shockey is fun loving, athletic and a goof ball. He graces the home with his spirit and occasionally muddy paws of a charming family in Louisiana. (Guess what sports team they favor?)


Grace, sweet Gracie. Sophie and I wanted to keep her as our very own sister, as did my friend Sue. She was one of those girls who steal your heart and wrap you around your little finger with just one look. Debra and Mark, a family from Dallas, found me and then her. Love at first site!


Frank, oh Frank! He and his brothers played and wrestled! He, too, was very handsome and made you laugh at his antics. His new family and especially his new ‘mom’, Mari, appreciate humor and always have easy smiles on their faces and in their hearts.  Frank was named after St. Francis in honor of my mom who dearly loved nature and gardening.


Sophie was the terrier-ist and grand explorer of the litter. She was the first to do everything and with the blink of an eye, once on her legs, would be across the room investigating (and chewing) whatever she could find. She was, not surprisingly, quite independent. Here she is visiting my classroom and showing her inquisitive ways. She really did eat the homework!


So, you see, my love affair with soft coated wheaten terriers took on new chapter, as well as new responsibilities. I am blessed to be their steward, protector, care giver, teacher, playmate, companion and their pupil, as well. I have learned and am learning so much through them, and the other animals who grace our Foxhaven farm, and the friends wheatens have brought into my life. I am forever indebted to them, especially my friend and first mentor, Kayce (Kincora Wheatens) who graced my life with my first wheatens: heart dog Duncan and my sweet precious Lily, my first therapy dog.

Back to my Sophie. To this day, she remains beautiful and funny. She was called the “Audrey Hepburn” of our National Specialty where she won Reserve out of many many lovely dogs. She adored showing, although also loved to show impish “let’s do it this way” side. Being a the National with her was, indeed, like a fairy tale.


Today, she is the eldest of our pack of six: two other wheatens, Beau and Hazel, her granddaughter, Rose our smooth collie, Ty our sheltie and Tundra our American Eskimo. Just this morning, playing on the bed while I sang ‘happy birthday’ the dogs wrestled, even howled along and jumped about, Sophie tossing the pillows off the bed. Happy Birthday, darling. (Recent picture below of her granddaughter Hazel, Sophie in the middle and Rose)


“Dogs are our link to paradise. They don’t know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring – it was peace.”
― Milan Kundera

To find out more about Blessing Wheatens, visit my website at blessingwheatens.com  We are truly blessed!  

Posted 234 weeks ago