"Coming Home to Westcliffe"

Blog Spot for My Mountain Nest & Other Musings...


Coming Home to Westcliffe

Jaimie’s Not So Little Anymore

It seems the only constant in life is change. It is our choice to embrace it. Prey animals in general, and donkeys, in particular, are not too fond of change. They are sensitive, alert beings. They are also very smart and take their job of survival (as a prey animal) seriously. For these reasons and more, donkeys make great guardians, if imprinted on the animals they are to guard, like sheep, alpacas or, in our case, miniature horses and our colt, Jaimie.

For the last month or so, since we built our trickle feeders, I’ve noticed a shift in affiliation. Jaimie is best buddies with Legend and Samwise; alternatively playing with each. Little man, Sneakers, plays at hogging the feeder. Sam stands away, at a distance, from his little herd of the littles and Jaimie now. Our ‘biggies’, Dakotah and Gold, are on the other side of our barn with their own turnout and pasture.


This has touched my heart. I have learned to pay attention to it and my intuition. I have been spending time listening to Sam, and taking him on walks to graze. Yesterday, I gave him a some toys (a feed sack and a bottle with timothy pellets) and he mouthed them and carried the feed bag around. Jaimie watched, then kicked at the bottle, rewarded by treats. Then Jaimie wandered back over Legend. No one seems bothered by the shift, except me. They just go with it. 

I am not sure if he is deferring to Jaimie, and not sure why? Equids don’t think like us; we are predator, even though I’d love to think I distance myself from that aspect of myself. I have always been for the ‘underdog’. BUT, I wonder why I label Sam in that way? Perhaps, it is the history of the donkey. Humble to a fault and a beast of burden for eons. Oftentimes to their detriment in the hands of humans. Even now, the plight of wild burros and horses is tragic and our politics & greed are taking their toll on these wild ones. (Please take a moment and check out the link; become informed. Be an advocate.)

Or perhaps, he is my spirit animal. As much as I adore the horses, especially my Gold, Sam has always had my heart. Maybe he and I are alike. He is not an underdog, but a brave good soul. I am proud to have earned his trust after unknown, but sure, neglect by former owners. 


Well, now Sam has his little ones back and things are a bit more like they used to be. We let Jaimie in with the biggies today. They were great together, although we watched and supervised closely. I think our plan will be to have Jaimie be our social butterfly and spend the mornings with the littles & Sam, and his afternoon with the biggies. Stay tuned. I’ll let you know how it goes!

Posted 225 weeks ago