"Coming Home to Westcliffe"

Blog Spot for My Mountain Nest & Other Musings...


Coming Home to Westcliffe

Royal Ducklings

Sad news. We lost our Beatrice due to an impacted egg. A good friend and bird lover, Linda, helped all afternoon to save her. We followed all the suggestions to loosen and release the egg: warm epsom salt bath water, lubrication of clocea, and gentle massage. We buried sweet Bea on our farm, our first loss at Foxhaven. Our best guess is that her prolapsed vent last year, although healed, may have led to some scar tissue making passing eggs, especially if large, more difficult.

We thought it best to add to our flock, so we never have a lone duck. After research, we decided on Khaki Campbells. They were developed by Adelle Campbell in 1887 by cross breeding Indian Runners, Rouen and wild ducks. They were named in Khaki Campbells because their coloring reminded her of British khaki military uniforms. They are prolific layers and docile creatures. 

With proper and easy introductions, the girls, named Kate and Meghan (after guess who?), will do fine with their big sisters, Mary and Skye. They will not be going to live outside in our garden until fully feathered, but at 3 weeks will be going for daily sun bathing and exercise jaunts in the secure duck pen. Ducklings require proper care, including a warm enclosure, proper feed and water. More ducklings are lost to drowning or becoming chilled (as well as fall prey to curious dogs or cats), than any other cause. So please, be a good steward and educate yourself should you become a ‘duck parent’. 

Posted 258 weeks ago