"Coming Home to Westcliffe"

Blog Spot for My Mountain Nest & Other Musings...


Coming Home to Westcliffe

Summer at Foxhaven

The challenges of covid have not personally impacted our everyday life on the ranch much. That said, our hearts feel daily angst, deep sadness and real concern for our family, friends and the global community. Yet, I hold onto the belief that in every crisis is an opportunity. I pray that we come out of these times kinder, wiser, more forgiving and more hopeful. Even as I say this, I know that it may ring hollow to those who have lost so very much. This shadows even the most optimistic views.

Yet, I have this moment and this summer and I am grateful. There are many reasons for hope at Foxhaven. Our elevated beds grow sweet basil, peas, cucumbers, greens, peppers and tomatoes. Our flower baskets and pots bloom gloriously. Yet, despite all the prep and expense for zoned on the lower half of our front yard for a wild flower meadow, it failed. The weeds came back and the weather turned hot and dry. I think I will try more raised beds with mulch and cobblestone/gravel walkways there next spring/summer. Live and learn. Maybe I can make green spring from dry ground. Those who plant seeds, believe in miracles.

In a twist of fate, just as we were signing up Legend, our little big man miniature stallion, for some therapy visit at our small town’s assisted living he had a very serious accident. Somehow, probably “horse play” with Jaimie, he got kicked causing a subluxation of his hock, a puncture wound and broken splint bone. Of the three injuries the latter is the least serious surprisingly. Our farm vet, Deanna Jordan, was quick to respond on an emergency call. After a thorough exam and cleaning of the wound it was suggested we go to Littleton Equine Hospital. As worrisome as the three hour trailer ride was to us, it had to be done. There he was xrayed and underwent surgery to thoroughly clean his wound, remove the splintered bone and cast his leg. 

Once home, Legend went downhill quickly despite our 24/7 care. His pain was evident and his gut sounds, as well as fecal production decreased. Unbeknownst to us, a serious side effect to both surgery and orthopedic pain is cecal impaction. The cecum is a one way fermentation vat, somewhat similar to our appendix. Once ‘clogged’, a horse can be well one moment and dead the next. Needless, to say our vet was called again and he went to her clinic. Dr. Deanna Jordan gave him the 24 hour care he needed to not only recover but survive. IV fluid, tubing, special care and pain management, as well as a nearby stall mate, Dolly, and a friendship with Deanna’s dog, Walker, saved our little big man. 


After two weeks in Dr. Jordan’s care, he is home. The whole herd, humans included, are relieved. He is sporting a custom splint and will have several months of stall rest. He still has some battles to conquer and challenges to overcome. He has the heart to do it! And all the love our hearts can hold. Welcome home, Legend.

(Watch for another wonder-filled post about new life at Foxhaven.)

Posted 218 weeks ago